Mobilozophy Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") explains how Mobilozophy, LLC ("Mobilozophy," "us," "our," and "we") collects and uses information when you interact with us. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of Mobilozophy's mobile-device applications we offer, such as our iOS and Android applications, that are developed by "Mobilozophy" and link or reference this Privacy Policy (collectively, the "Services").

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. This Privacy Policy replaces and supersedes the last version of this Privacy Policy for all users (including for those users that registered prior to the Effective Date). If you do not agree to our practices, please do not register, subscribe, create an account, or otherwise interact with the Services. Your use of the Services is also subject to our Terms of Use.

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy. You can reach us via postal or email mail at the following address:

Mobilozophy, LLC
1324 Seven Springs Blvd
New Port Richey, FL 34655

  1. Types of Personal Information We Collect. Personal Information is information that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual. It also includes other information that may be associated with Personal Information. We collect the following types of Personal Information:
    1. Contact Information that allows us to communicate with you, such as your name, postal addresses, email addresses, social media website user account names, telephone numbers, or other addresses at which you receive communications from or on behalf of Mobilozophy.
    2. Relationship Information that helps us to understand who you are and what types of stores, products, and advertisements you might like. This includes lifestyle, preference, and interest information; the types of coupons that interest you; information collected from social media interactions (such as via Facebook Connect); and demographic information (e.g., birth date, age, gender, zip code).
    3. Transaction Information about how you interact with the Services, such as the coupons you view and redeem, the gift cards you purchase or sell via our Services, the digital rebates that you claim, including copies of receipts that you submit; other information about how you use our Services, email, other communications, and applications; and how you interact with Mobilozophy's merchants, business partners, and service providers after interacting with our Services, including, in some cases, the items you purchase from those merchants.
    4. Location Information allows us to periodically determine your geolocation, such as your location relative to nearby merchants or, your presence within a mall or store (e.g., near a checkout, aisle, or entrance) or your state/province, city, or neighborhood using technologies such as Bluetooth®, beacons or geofencing to tailor our Services for providing you the best experience. Mobilozophy does not record and store your location information, nor do we use location information for tracking any users using our Services.

      Please see the Section 5 under the heading "mobile" for information on how to limit the Location Information that Mobilozophy may collect from the Services operating on a mobile device. Mobilozophy does not store or share location information. 

    5. Analytics Information about your use of our Services, such as your IP address, access time, device ID or other unique identifier (e.g., Android advertising ID or Apple IDFA), domain name, screen views, language information, device name and model, operating system type, and your activities on our Services. For example, information collected by our Services via a mobile device may include the following: (i) the names of the other applications on your mobile device and, if you use an Android-based mobile device, how you use them (e.g., frequency and duration of use); (ii) if you use an Android-based mobile device, the URL addresses of the webpages you access; (iii) information about your mobile device (e.g., make, model, operating system, and other similar information, but not phone number); (iv) information about your use of features, functions, or clicks on notifications or content; and (v) the strength of signal, temperature, battery level, and unique identifier of a nearby Bluetooth® proximity beacon.
  1. How Mobilozophy Collects Personal Information. We may ask you for Personal Information when you register, subscribe, create an account, or otherwise interact with the Services or contact Mobilozophy. For example, you may be required to provide us with Contact Information or Relationship Information in order to register for certain services. 

    We collect Personal Information when you use our Services on one or more of your devices that interact with the Services. For example, we may track the coupons you view, submit or redeem via a desktop computer, the gift cards that you purchase from us via your mobile device.

    If you use a social media platform, a mobile device or other third-party method of communication to interact with Mobilozophy or the Services, that platform may have a specific privacy statement that governs the use of Personal Information related to that platform. If you have questions about the security and privacy settings of your mobile device, please refer to instructions from your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings.

    If you use the Services on a mobile device and your mobile device's settings allow it, we may collect Personal Information from your mobile device. For example, if you have permitted your mobile device to transmit location data, we may collect your geolocation and time of day. In addition, if you have also enabled Bluetooth® functionality on your mobile device, our Services may determine your presence and duration within a location, such as a mall or store, based on the detection of signals from nearby Bluetooth® proximity beacons. Our application may be designed to collect information even if you are not logged into one of the Services. In some cases, for example, we may use your Internet Protocol ("IP") address to estimate your general location even if you have not logged in or enabled location tracking on your mobile device. Please see the Your Choices section under the heading "mobile" for more information on how to limit the Location Information that Mobilozophy may collect from the Services operating on a mobile device.

    From time to time, we may also supplement Personal Information with information collected from third parties, including demographic information, information about your interests, and similar information that the third parties have collected from other sources (which may include analytics data from third party websites). For example, we may collect information from third parties to enhance other information we have about you, to help us better understand you, to provide you with targeted advertising, and to otherwise enhance the Services.

  1. How Mobilozophy Uses Personal Information.Mobilozophy uses Personal Information to:
    1. Operate and improve our Services;
    2. Provide users with content and advertisements across their devices for products and services from merchants, including coupons based on variables such as stated and anticipated user interests, personal characteristics, and location; 
    3. Evaluate eligibility of users for certain coupons, products or services;
    4. Evaluate the types of coupons, products or services that may be of interest to users;
    5. Track redemption of coupons and perform other analytics;
    6. Provide user support, including to merchants or business partners;
    7. Fulfill requests for Mobilozophy services;
    8. Communicate and provide additional information that may be of interest to you about Mobilozophy and featured merchants and business partners, such as Mobilozophy news, special offers and coupons, announcements, and marketing materials;
    9. Send you reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts and support and administrative messages service bulletins, or marketing;
    10. Provide commercial notifications when you arrive at, linger near or leave places;
    11. Infer the location of the places you visit most often, determine your frequency at these locations, and send notifications when you arrive at or leave those places;
    12. Provide advertisements to you through the Services, third-party sites, email messages, text messages, mobile-push notifications, or other methods of communication;
    13. Administer surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored by us or our partners; 
    14. Create user profiles that may contain inferences about users such as age range, income range, gender, and interests;
    15. To help verify accounts and activity, and to promote safety and security on and off of our Services, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our terms or policies and assessing the relative risk that a particular activity (e.g., the purchase or sale of a gift card) may be unauthorized or fraudulent;
  1. When and Why Mobilozophy Discloses Personal Information.We may share your Personal Information as required or permitted by law as described below:
    1. With affiliated companies (e.g., subsidiaries and other companies owned by or controlled by Mobilozophy) who may only use the Personal Information for the purposes described in Section 3 above;
    2. With our service providers that provide services for us to assist us in carrying out the purposes described in Section 3 above such as sending emails, push notifications, or SMS messages on our behalf, assessing potential fraud (such as in connection with the purchase or sale of gift cards) and conducting surveys or sweepstakes on our behalf. Mobilozophy enables certain geo-location features of our mobile-device applications. Consequently, Mobilozophy and its affiliates collect, store, and process, certain Location Information and related data on servers in the United States. Mobilozophy is bound by law or contract to protect Personal Information and are only allowed to use the Personal Information in accordance with the terms of our service agreements with them. In some limited cases, such as for purposes of investigating suspicious activity and assessing the likelihood for fraud, some of our service providers may use the Personal Information that we provide them for the purpose of improving their own services;
    3. Coupon Merchants, but only to the extent you have redeemed a coupon offered by the merchant, or participated in an offer, contest or other activity sponsored or offered through Mobilozophy on behalf of the merchant; 
    4. Mobilozophy business partners or advertisers, as part of an offer, contest, or other activity that is provided by or in conjunction with Mobilozophy and its business partners and in which you have elected to participate. For example, if you are referred to Mobilozophy from a business partner's website or through an invitation facilitated by or in conjunction with a Mobilozophy business partner, Mobilozophy may provide that business partner with Contact Information and Transactional Information to validate the referral and to support the terms of the relationship between Mobilozophy and the business partner, which may allow such business partner to contact you directly and to advertise to you. Mobilozophy does not use Identifiers for Advertisers (IFDA) to track user behavior across websites, or offline properties for the purposes of targeting, personalization, and measurement. 
    5. To affect a merger, acquisition, or otherwise; to support the sale or transfer of business assets; to enforce our rights or protect our property; to protect the rights, property or safety of others, investigate fraud, respond to a government request; or as needed to support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions. We may also disclose Personal Information to defend ourselves in litigation or a regulatory action, and when required or advised to do so by law, such as in response to a subpoena, a reporting requirement or similar legal process, including to law enforcement agencies, regulators, and courts in the United States and other countries where we operate. If Mobilozophy is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified via email and/or prominent notice on one or more of our Services of any change in ownership or uses of your Personal Information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your Personal Information; or
    6. Otherwise with your consent.

      We encourage Mobilozophy merchants and business partners to adopt and post privacy policies. However, the use of your Personal Information by such parties is governed by the privacy policies of such parties and is not subject to our control. When you choose to interact with a Mobilozophy merchant or business partner, we encourage you to read any privacy policy they may have posted on their website.

      We may also disclose information about you that is not personally identifiable. For example, we may provide merchants, business partners, or other third parties with reports that contain aggregated and statistical data about our users. 

  1. Your Choices.We think that you benefit from a more personalized experience when we know more about you and the kinds of coupons you like. However, you can limit the information you provide to Mobilozophy, and you can limit the communications that Mobilozophy sends to you.
    1. You can manage your subscriptions by following subscription management instructions contained in the commercial messages that we send you. If you wish to opt out of receiving offers directly from Mobilozophy merchants or business partners, you can follow the opt-out instructions in the emails that they send you.
    2. Mobile App.If you access any of our Services through one of our mobile applications, you may manage how your Personal Information is shared with Mobilozophy. You may adjust the settings on your mobile device to allow or restrict the sharing of Location Information. For example, the "Location" permissions (or "Privacy" >> "Location Services" on iOS-based devices) on your mobile device will allow you to elect whether to never share Location Information with Mobilozophy, to share Location Information only while you are using the application (e.g., to help you find nearby offers), or always share Location Information even while you are not using the application (e.g., alert you of nearby offers when you approach a shopping mall). You may also elect to only disable "Bluetooth" to prevent just the sharing of information collected via nearby Bluetooth ® proximity beacons. Please note that if you elect to not share your Location Information, you may be unable to access some features of our Services that are designed for mobile devices. Also, in the event that you prevent the sharing of Location Information, we may still estimate your general location based on the IP address you use to access our Services.
      You may also manage how your mobile device handles ad-related tracking technologies by adjusting your mobile device privacy settings. For example, the "Privacy" settings of an iOS device will allow you to "Limit Ad Tracking" and reset your mobile device's "Advertising Identifier." Please refer to instructions provided by the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your mobile device settings.
      You may also opt-out of receiving different types of push notifications or alerts by toggling off the "Notifications" options within the "Profiles" menu of our mobile applications. This feature is available in the most recent versions of our iOS-based and Android-based applications.
    3. Connecting through Social Networks.You may manage the sharing of certain Personal Information when you register with us through a social media platform or application, such as through Facebook Connect. Please refer to the privacy settings of the social media platform or application to determine how you may adjust our permissions and manage the interactivity between Mobilozophy and your social media account. By registering with Mobilozophy through a social media platform, you grant Mobilozophy permission to access all of the elements of your social network profile information that you have made available to be shared and to use it in accordance with the social network's terms of use and this Privacy Policy.
  1. Accessing and Correcting Personal Information.Keeping Personal Information about you helps ensure that we offer you the best coupons available for merchants and business partners. You can do several things to help keep Personal Information about you current. You can access, update and delete your Contact Information and the other information you provided us to use in your profile by clicking on the "Profile" link.

    If you want to close your account or have other questions or requests, or if you would like to access or request a correction to any other Personal Information we hold regarding you, please (email

    We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, (email In response, we will cancel or remove your information but may retain and use copies of your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

  1. Security of Personal Information.Mobilozophy follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information that you provide. For example, we regularly monitor our system for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and we use a secured-access data center. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is one hundred percent secure, however. For this reason, there is no guarantee that information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. If you have any questions about our security practices, please email 
  1. Notice to Residents of Countries outside the United States of America.Mobilozophy is headquartered in the United States of America. Personal Information may be accessed by us or transferred to us in the United States or to our affiliates, business partners, merchants, or service providers elsewhere in the world. By providing us with Personal Information, you consent to such access and transfers. You also acknowledge and agree that Personal Information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, law enforcement officials, and national security authorities in the United States in accordance with United States laws. We will protect the privacy and security of Personal Information according to our Privacy Policy, regardless of where it is processed or stored.

    To ensure adequate protection of personal data of the European Economic Area (the "EEA"), any transfers of such data outside of the EEA will be pursuant to the Model Clauses approved by the European Commission. Mobilozophy commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. We encourage anyone with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first (email

  1. Privacy Practices of Third Parties. This Privacy Policy only addresses the use and disclosure of information by Mobilozophy through your interaction with the Services. Mobilozophy does not share or sell any personal information to third parties. 

    Merchants and business partners may have their own privacy statements, too. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy statements provided by these other parties prior to providing them with information or taking advantage of an offer or promotion.