Location - Logo

Logo images will be displayed on the stores/locations listing pages, in maps as location indicators, loyalty and coupon listings.

Upload a cover image and image specifications

To upload a cover image simply hover over the cover image area on the create/edit location/store page and click the placeholder image. A file selection prompt will open, select the image to upload.

It’s recommended to keep an aspect ratio of 16:9 or 208px x 117px. You can download a sample image template here. Please note: image placement is subject to change without notice and is controlled by the template in which your mobile partner has implemented.

Area(s) annotated with the number 2 in the image below represent the placement of the Logo Image on the respective pages. Please note: image placement is subject to change without notice and is controlled by the template in which your mobile partner has implemented. Click on the image to view an enlarged version.

Example Placement of Logos in Mobile App (Annotated by #2)

Location Mobile Example